Thursday, October 22

Sunny-side Up

This move has not gone according to plan. To start we hit the road a day late after two very exhausting days of packing and cleaning. Then we unloaded our truck into a cute little house with a great back yard minutes from family only to discover the place is a slum and have to rent another truck, reload it and move all of our belongings in the rain to a one bedroom apartment outside the city. With a third of our belonging still in boxes because we downgraded from a two bedroom in California to a one bedroom here, we made due without setting-up cable and internet because we were waiting for the promised AT&T U-verse to be installed. But on Tuesday after four hours of the techs trying everything thy could, we were told that the signal is too weak and the lines too old. It might seem silly to be upset about having to get cable instead of U-verse, but we had U-verse in San Diego and we loved it. (Keep in mind that we are children of the TV babysitter and we take comfort in watching our preferred shows.) Having to revert back to inferior cable was just one more thing that has gone wrong.

Now we have to figure out what our new Kentucky lives will be like. We are testing out local grocery stores (though I am really upset that Whole Foods shut down Wild Oats), trying new restaurants and bakeries, and driving down roads we've never been to discover whats there. It has been difficult so far and I am sure that more problems will arise, but we are trying to find the bright and sunny parts no matter how small or spread out. And just maybe, AT&T will decide to update their lines.

1 comment:

  1. Wine prices, internet situation, and Whole Foods definitely are bummers, Elissa! Hope the clouds have a silver lining! Love to all, Dad XOXXO
