Sunday, October 4

The Rental House

We walked into our rental house yesterday and it was filthy. There was dirt, hair and plastic bits all over the floors, layers of dirt and dust in all the vents and even a cigarette butt on the awning in the second floor room. We spend over four hours sweeping, mopping, dusting and disinfecting, and that was only the rooms that boxes were unloaded into. The bathroom, kitchen, second floor, basement, garage and backyard still need to be cleaned before we can start unpacking. The house wasn't even cleaned before the walls were painted and the floors varnished. There was hair painted into the baseboards, and dirt and hair (along with a plastic tag, a screw, a bobby pin and a sticker) varnished into the wood floors. The backyard is very nice with a large shade tree, but it is littered with broken glass, bottle caps, cigarette butts and other garbage. The garage is filled with leaves and broken glass and has a warped-shut old dresser filled with who knows what. However, with a lot of cleaning and hard work this little house might become a nice little home.


  1. Anonymous6/10/09 09:04

    Did this come through? Now you have at least one comment! Remember, Julie (Julie & Julia) did not get any comments initially! Love, Dad XOXO

  2. Anonymous9/10/09 13:12

    Unacceptable! Shouldn't the landlord be cleaning that up? ~JR 10/09/09
