Thursday, January 7

A First New Year's Resolution

I typically do not make a New Year's Resolution because I know I will not keep it. But this year I want to make one. My resolution is to go on a nature outing once a week. I was inspired by going to Butterfly World while I was in Florida for holiday. Butterfly World is an amazing place where hundreds of butterflies fly around you and land on you. It also has beautiful exotic plants, and humming birds too. A couple of the birds flew so close to me that I felt there wings brush against my head. I had been there once before about four years ago. If I lived there I would go there every week to sit and observe. It lifted my spirits spending the morning there.

Now there is nothing like Butterfly World in Louisville, but there is plenty of nature. There are a lot of parks, the Falls of Ohio and caves. Even walking around my street is pretty with many types of trees and birds to see. I know that there will be many nature outings for me to discover. I am going to try really hard to keep my first resolution because not only does in provide spiritual fulfillment, but it will also give me interesting topics to write about for this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/1/10 08:57

    I could see you enjoyed Butterfly World, Elissa, by your excellent sketches. The careful observation of nature has always been very rewarding to me as well. Someday I may have the time to sketch as well. We really enjoyed your visit! Home now very quiet! Love, Dad XOXO
