Saturday, December 19

Let it Snow

For a week the weather forecast was snow on Saturday. It started raining Friday evening when the temperature was 38 degrees. The temperature was supposed to drop during the night to turn the rain into snow. But instead the temperature increased and it is still raining. Everywhere else in the region the temperature is below freezing and the rain is snow. It is snowing in Lexington, Florence, Cincinnati, and across the river in Southern Indiana, but not in Louisville.

I am disappointed that it is not snowing today. I was looking forward to spending the first snowfall with my husband and to watch my little dog experience snow for the first time. It doesn't look like that I will be here for the first snow, but hopefully there will be enough snow in January to build our first snowman together, as a family.

1 comment:

  1. Very disappointing, Elissa, but be careful about what you wish for. We wished for a some rain, because of our persistent drought, and look what we got!! Love to all, Dad XOXOX
