Saturday, September 12

The Day After

Yesterday was my last official day of work and today I am unemployed. Last night I dreamt not about stability time points, acceptance criteria or HPLC leakage but about boxes, packing and the moving sale. There is only two weeks till the big move and there is so much to do. Besides all the sorting, packing and cleaning, there is the rental truck, shipping the car, DMV forms, change of address notifications, price tagging for the moving sale and most importantly, going to the beach. I am going to take advantage of my unemployment and de-stress by going the beach and museums, taking a hike and working on my 2000 piece jig saw puzzle (that has been on the dining room table for months). A person can't spend their whole life stressed; you should be able to find fun in everything. So on my first day of unemployment i am going to the beach with friends, work on the puzzle, watch college football and pack some boxes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous13/9/09 11:13

    That sounds great, you go, girl!
