Our winter is now changing over into Spring. And from what we hear from locals, Louisville has very wet Springs. After three very nice sunny days the six day forecast is 70-90% chance of rain every day. We have already had two tornado warnings and our first ever tornado sirens. When I lived in Miami, we had tornado drills at school but I never heard a tornado siren before; and in San Diego there are not even tornado drills. Hearing the tornado siren reminded me of movies and TV shows about the London air raids in WWII or the nuclear fall out adds from the 70's; it made me want to duck and cover. If we do get a tornado, it will be our first tornado, but we are not hoping to have this new experience.
We went to Tom Sawyer State Park on one of the sunny days. This park is only ten minutes from us. It has a lot of walking paths, but I did not enjoy my time there because of excessive dog poop dodging. I don't enjoy walking with my head down trying to avoid stepping on dog poop. I have a poop bag dispenser attached to my dog's leash and I always pick up my dog's poop. I do this out of a consideration for others. When I am walking in areas that are littered with dog poop I get a little sad because as a society we do not show enough consideration for others. It is this lack of consideration for others when you have been signalling to merge into the exit lane and the cars purposefully speed up and won't let you into their lane; or leaving your shopping cart in the middle of the aisle so that no one can get around; or changing your mind about a box of Popsicles and leaving it in the chip aisle instead of returning it to the freezer section. I see this lack of consideration in my classes too; some of the kids do not even think about how there actions affect others. Children are really good learners and they learn by watching grown-ups.
Today is one of our cloudy, rainy days, so I am staying inside to get chores done. But prior to starting the laundry, I began my morning by enjoying some time to myself. I made a pot of Persian tea, turned on bagpipe music and worked on a jigsaw puzzle. It was very relaxing to take a few hours to do something that I enjoy and it put me in a great mood to tackle my to-do list for the weekend.